The spirit of the universe can sing through us when we create space to be present in our hearts.
Healing vibrations can be transmitted through sound. We all have a song that sings through us. When we are present & connected to the universal flow of life, with an open heart, clear mind & spirit, we can be a neutral witness to what we notice. In these moments sound emanating from our voices can be very powerful, healing and transformative. Sound vibrations can help re-arrange our molecules, our experiences, the history of information present in our cells and create ways to navigate what challenges us and develop new pathways for our journey. In any given moment song can heal wounds and imbalances nurturing every aspect of our daily lives.
Current singing projects:
Women's Empowerment
Ongoing development of Ceremonial and Healing songs for all stages of a Woman's life collaborating with Windsong Mekani (world renound Singer/songwriter )
Windsong has created an incredible book of powerful songs for Women available at her website, and also has a wide variety of these songs available to listen to and learn for yourself.
We will be teaching together in June 2024 at Spirit Weavers
Northern Cheyenne Songs
Ongoing development and learning of songs & ways of prayer in young man's lodge (prayer/sweat lodge of Northern Cheyenne tradition) with White Buffalo Stands (Burton Fisher jr.) a Northern Cheyenne Elder, Sutha fasting priest, and Song carrier/Drummer for his lineage.
I have been studying and singing with Burton for about 12 years, and we are currently documenting and recording as many songs as we can that he carries for his lineage so that the songs can continue to help heal people and his traditions will be preserved for future generations. Stay tuned for more information on this and to be able to listen to recordings.
Sanskrit Mantras
I have been studying with my dear friend and teacher Tobi-Giri (also known as Rocker-T to many) for a number of years, delving into the incredibly potency and healing available through the singing of Indian Sanskrit mantras.
Within the healing sessions I do with clients I regularly invoke a connection to healing deities/essence of both male and female divine energies through the singing of specific mantras. I will shortly be sharing recordings of these mantras for you to access and listen to for your own healing.